<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/04391b32-a4d3-44a2-9c77-3edca64ba4d6/TF_Submark.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/04391b32-a4d3-44a2-9c77-3edca64ba4d6/TF_Submark.png" width="40px" /> Our employee benefits is a small yet meaningful gesture to showcase our commitment in providing a smooth and comfortable work experience at Trusted Family. We intend to extend the number and diversity of employee benefits, as we continue to build a happy, inclusive and equitable workplace for our teams.


Distributed Working

<aside> 👁️‍🗨️ Our philosophy of distributed working is to create a company culture where all our employees, irrespective of where they work from, feel just as connected as if we were all working in an office together.



Trusted Family has a hybrid working structure - a mix of office and remote working - in 2 ways:

WeWork Spaces

<aside> 🔥 We believe that every employee should benefit from a quiet, convinient and comfortable working space. A pan global WeWork membership helps us give you the most effective working environments while allowing enough flexibility for your best work to be done.



As part of our Global WeWork employee membership, we provide:

Annual Company Offsite

<aside> 🌴 As part of our commitment to your development and well-being, our Employee Benefits package includes the opportunity to participate in our highly anticipated global offsite, hosted once a year. You can expect enriching workshops, team-building activities, and networking opportunities in the most picturesque setting. Our offsite isn’t just another team event; it's a platform to shape the future of our company together.
